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Private Medical/Health Insurance pays for tests and surgery if you are ill or injured during the policy’s term. It is usually designed for acute conditions, which are curable and short term.

It is designed to offer treatment alongside the service provided by the NHS. For example, appointments with your GP would still be through the NHS but with medical insurance you could get the following benefits such as you may be able to
skip NHS waiting lists, a choice of where you get treatment, a private room and a wider range of treatment types.


Every health insurance policy is different and will depend on the insurer, but most policies will include cover for the following. As an inpatient: This includes staying in a hospital bed for tests or surgery. As an outpatient: This includes consultations treatment when you do not need to stay overnight. As a day-patient: This includes regular appointments but not staying overnight.

Some health insurers let you pick exactly what is covered from a range of options like: Physiotherapy, Treatment for specific diseases like Cancer, Psychiatric
treatment, Dental treatment, Optical appointments, Mental health treatments.